The Counterfeit Sex (1968)

Ben Carter
Rapture Publishing 223

Book 100 for the year!

From the cover, this has to be a light-hearted romp through the exotic worlds of transvestism and/or transsexualism...but no!  Instead, it is about sex within the high stakes world of actual counterfeiters, as in those who print fake money.  International crime master in Switzerland needs new printing plates for his latest scheme.  Wary of his plate-maker, he sends his mistress and #1 muscle guy to Miami to pick up the goods.  Meanwhile, in Chicago, the master platemaker is sure his client plans to kill him, so he sends his mistress and #1 muscle guy to Miami to deliver the goods and get the money.  Strangely, then, the book is about two capital managers employing sex and muscle to do their bidding by proxy, rather like real life.  By the end, no one stays with who they arrived with--but that should be obvious, I guess.

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