How Can a Man and Woman Be Friends? (1977)

Mary Rosera Joyce
The Liturgical Press

From this familiar cocktail party question, author Joyce condemns the 1970s as the era of "compulsory sex," which she sees as a bad development for both men and women.  From there the pamphlet becomes a Jungian call for men and women to better "center" their animus and anima, thereby developing their "internally focused" brain-centered-emotional-friendship sexuality to balance out their "outward directed" genital-centered-erotic sexuality.  Men must find their "inner woman," and women their "inner man."  Only then can the distractions of genital-centered sexual tension be overcome to allow for true and full friendship between the sexes.  The best way to prevent yourself from becoming controlled by your genitals is to develop shared values with those around you, especially potential partners.  In the final chapter, God makes His expected appearance as the "shared value" that can bond man and woman the most completely.

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